Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Johari : How dare he said that!

S.K. Devamany (BN-Cameron Highlands) had said, when posing a supplementary question, that despite measures promised by the government in its 2020 Vision policy and the Ninh Malaysia Plan, the reaction (Hindraf's demonstration) yesterday showed that there is frustration in the lower rung of the Indian community which saw the involvement of youths and those from the middle income group.

Johari, replying in Parliament lobby, said it was not fair for Devamany to say the Indian community took to the streets on Sunday because the government was not being fair to them.

"How can he say that the demonstrations were due to Indians’ frustrations," he said.

Why the fumble? Devamany was only voicing out to be heard what the rakyat feel.That is what a wakil rakyat should do as a representative of the people – serving the people.

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