Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How to restore our judiciary back to its glorious days


I READ and picked this on website recently for all to ponder.

Tun Salleh Abbas gave us five good tips on how we could restore our rotting and stinking judiciary back to their glory days:

1) Setting up a judicial commission on appointments and promotions of judges

2) Restore the vesting of judicial authority clause into the constitution to give power back to the courts

3) Tenure of office of judges should be fixed so that they do not feel afraid of making decisions eg judicial commissioners given a two year contracts are incapable of performing independently because they are subject to promotion or dismissal when the contract ends

4) Revise methods in removing judges should the judge be incapable of performing his or her legal duties or for health reasons

5) Protocol of judges must be looked into. Giving out of awards and honours to judges should be automatic when they hold certain positions

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